Rally & Kiss-in: Celebration/Protest
Day AFTER Decision in Perry v. Schwarzenegger
Stand for FULL marriage equality and full federal benefits for same-sex couples!
6pm * Northampton City Hall * Main Street
Day AFTER Decision in Perry v. Schwarzenegger
Stand for FULL marriage equality and full federal benefits for same-sex couples!
6pm * Northampton City Hall * Main Street
RSVP on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=102827123108100&ref=mf
In the coming days, federal District Court Judge Vaughn Walker will announce his decision in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, a trial to determine the constitutionality of Proposition 8, which in November of 2008 took away marriage equality in California.
In the trial, Judge Walker asked whether there was enough of a "political tide" for his decision to be upheld in the US Supreme Court. In other words, if we are vocal enough we can be a part of creating the "political tide" necessary to put pressure on the court to overturn Prop 8.
And, such a decision in the Supreme Court could overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, which denies same-sex married couples in states like ours over 1,000 federal benefits.
So, regardless of the decision, let's come together at 6pm at the Northampton City Hall steps the day AFTER the decision is announced for a rally and a kiss-in to celebrate a victory or show our anger at a defeat.